In May 1896, mysterious mushrooms were growing in Jokei’s courtyard - No. 3
Matthew Mewhinney
Matthew Mewhinney
Florida State University, Office of Digital Research and Scholarship
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Natsume Soseki
In May 1896, mysterious mushrooms were growing in Jokei’s courtyard - No. 3
Natsume Soseki
Authored in Microsoft Word and transformed using XSLT
In May 1896, mysterious mushrooms were growing in
Jokei’s courtyard. Jokei therefore asked me to write
a poem. I declined, stating my poetry to be
unworthy. He would not take no for an answer. I
composed a poem and presented it as a gift. Jokei is
Mr. Katamine, my colleague.
No. 3
Red caps moistened in sweet dew,
Purple stems stick up in green moss.
Jokei is worried about them on his way out,
And smiles to see them safe on his return.